Explore new horizons and opportunities in the thriving mushroom industry.

From 4th, 5th, 6th October the India Mushroom Days will be organized for the first time in New Delhi, India

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Why Attend?

Discover the countless reasons why India Mushroom Days is a must-attend event for mushroom enthusiasts, farmers, and industry professionals.

Networking Opportunities

Whether you’re looking to expand your business, share knowledge, or simply build valuable relationships, this event provides an unparalleled opportunity to network with like-minded individuals. Engage in discussions, exchange ideas, and forge partnerships that can drive your mushroom-related ventures to new heights.

Stay at the Forefront of Industry Trends

Whether you’re looking to expand your business, share knowledge, or simply build valuable relationships, this event provides an unparalleled opportunity to network with like-minded individuals. Engage in discussions, exchange ideas, and forge partnerships that can drive your mushroom-related ventures to new heights.
Get a glimpse of the exciting lineup of workshops, seminars, networking opportunities, and more that await you at India Mushroom Days.

Contact us

[email protected]
+91 392038378

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